
Tom is one of the most uniquely exciting motivational speakers I have ever heard or seen. His bike stunts capture the attention of any audience and connect perfectly with the message that he brings. He was our keynote speaker for two county-wide career events involving a total of 1,800 students. Not only did Tom share with the students from the stage, he was influential on our entire event; he even helped us come up with the theme “Explore, Overcome, Achieve.” His true passion for student success was clear when he made himself available after his presentation for one-on-one conversation with students. Tom is excellent at telling stories from his work in human resources and using examples that students, educators, and even workforce leaders can easily connect with.

Laura Swann
Director of Career Transitions
Gadsden State Community College


Tom has served as a featured keynote speaker at Alabama’s Joint Leadership Development Conference (JLDC) on several occasions. JLDC is the largest non-athletic gathering of youth for an educational purpose in the State of Alabama. The event brings together more than 6,000 top students who are preparing to make Alabama the leading state for work, family, fun, community and great living! Tom has the exceptional ability to tailor his presentations to the conference theme and to maximize the audience experiences by engaging them with his wit, knowledge and riding ability. Tom is passionate about what he does and it is sincerely communicated in his presentations.

Craig Collins
Alabama State Department of Education
Coordinator- Joint Leadership Development Conference


Tom McNeal is an amazing speaker. His ability to bring life, enthusiasm and energy captivates audiences of all ages. Tom has the unique ability to blend critical messages with entertaining stories, making him an extremely effective messenger.

Marian Stone
Alabama Career Coach Specialist
Alabama State Department of Education &
Alabama Department of Post-Secondary Education


What impresses me most about Tom McNeal is his singular passion for preparing students for future success. Whether speaking to a small group of girls about opportunities in the construction field or to large audiences in Shelby County schools about career decisions, Tom’s message is engaging, enthusiastic, and clear. His use of life experiences to bring home the message of success in school, career, and life also brings laughter to those who have the pleasure of hearing his presentations. He is energy in motion and I recommend him highly as a speaker.

Rene Day
Shelby County School System
Coordinator of Career Tech Education


I just wanted to thank you once again for coming to Gardendale High School today to share your wealth of knowledge with the students! You really know how to keep their attention and share relevant information.
Teachers and students are still talking about many things that you shared! Hopefully, it will “open eyes” of the students to begin the “process” of making wiser, more informed decisions about their futures.
“Outstanding” and “best speaker we’ve ever had” are just two of the many responses to your presentations that I’ve heard this afternoon! We truly and sincerely appreciate your time and for giving students thought provoking ideas.

Denise Mann
Gardendale High School
12th Grade and Career Technical Counselor
